Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Here we are in 2013

So this is what our future brings us in this family ....a niece that is full of happiness and fun and love and kindness and is special in a way that makes us forget the gloominess  and sadness of our world and the way it has become....
And a grandson so smart beyond his second year .....he is just turning 2 and already knows all of his alphabet and can count to 15 ...he is starting to write his letters give him a piece of paper or coloring book or chalk board and he does not color or draw pictures...he writes his letters...loves books and any tv show that does alphabets and counting...knows how to use a computer and an iphone and an android phone...he is past doing his wooden puzzles and two and three piece are the twelve piece puzzles...unbelievable how both of these little people are sooooo different but bring out soooo much happiness in our lives...
yes we are proud of them and love them beyond!!!

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